Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wrapped In Lettuce?!

I bought a small George Foreman Grill to see how I can utilize it in my new eating habits. But, I didn't know what to cook in it, so it sat on the kitchen counter for the last couple of weeks!

Last night, I stumbled upon ground turkey being on sale at our local market and suddenly, I thought of Mr. Foreman and his grill! I picked up a couple of pounds of the ground turkey and headed home. I was one step closer to trying out Mr. Foreman's Grill but didn't quite know what the next step should be. So, what did I do? GOOGLED it! I typed, "Turkey Burger recipe, George Foreman Grill". That's what I did. Lo and behold various links appeared before me in a flash including cooking video instructions on Youtube.... I am telling you, I L O V E Google and Youtube. I use them EVERYDAY!!!

Back to our story. I watched, learned, took notes and grilled DELICIOUS Turkey Burgers. I then wrapped one in lettuce and ate it with voracity and enthusiasm. Thank you Mr. Foreman!


2 Lbs Ground Turkey, 2 eggs, ¼ cup seasoned bread crumbs,
¼ cup finely diced onion, 2 cloves of garlic (minced),
¼ C chopped fresh parsley OR 2-3 spoons of dried parsley,
salt & pepper.

Mix all ingredients very well, make 8 patties,
COOK: #1 – cook 2 patties 5-6 minutes on Preheated Forman Grill
OR #2 – cook on skillet (using butter spray) on medium heat