Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Celebrating A New Ring Size!!!

A couple of years ago, when the shoe I had requested didn't fit me, I was surprised to learn that even your shoe size changes when you gain weight!!! Again, just four months ago, I was sadly reminded of that, when I could not put on the rain boot I had ordered online.

So, I have double cause to celebrate my recent weight-loss because a ring that I have been unable to wear for a couple of years, now, fits me JUST FINE.

Life is filled with little causes to celebrate. Isn't it?!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Yippyyyyy !!!

I had not set a goal of how much weight to lose when I started my diet. But one day, my doctor casually said, "If you follow the program, you can expect to lose 100 pounds by the end of the year." !!!! WHAT?! 100 pounds?!?!?! So, I didn't let THAT get into my head and just went on with my diet.

I started my diet on November 26th and have been steadily losing weight. However, I didn't know how close I may be to what my doctor had in mind when he said what he said! Today, I came across this chart online. Supposedly, it is a chart of expected results based on starting weight and length of time since surgery.

Reading it, brought a strong sense of satisfaction and accomplishment as well as a wide smile to my face. You see, I have lost 41 pounds in 2 months and 3 weeks.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017